Advent Reflections | Day 18 | Sunday 18th December

18th December

Written by Ann Walker

Unto us a Boy is Born

“Unto us a boy is born! King of all creation; came he to a world forlorn, the lord of every nation”

Unto us a boy is born, King of all creation. It is a cold, sunny morning. I can look out of the bedroom window into my back garden and beyond towards Lyme Park. The top of the hills shine in the sunlight; the sky is blue with snatches of cloud. The leaves on the trees are starting to change colour and in the garden the fuchsia, the last of the roses and dahlias are still holding out against the cold. The leaves on the blueberry bushes and next doors acer are almost crimson in colour. A sight to behold! A creation to be behold; a creation that is beautiful; that brings me calm and joy.

Unto us a boy is born; came he to a world forlorn, the lord of every nation. A world forlorn, the human world. Why forlorn? Life could be hard then, especially for the sick or poor. People could feel isolated from each other and from God. Life could be difficult living under roman occupation. But this world is still part of that wonderful creation. The answer – a boy is born. Jesus Christ came to bring hope and teach love to that forlorn world

Unto us a Boy is born. We still remember Christ’s birth every Christmas. He is born to us. Life can still be hard for some. Poverty, war and violence are still with us in our world forlorn. We still need hope and love in the world.

The answer – Unto US a boy is born, King of All creation; COMES he to a world forlorn, the lord of every nation.