Advent Reflections | Day 5 | Thursday 5th December

5th December

Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn

‘Rise to adore the mystery of love, which hosts of angels chanted from above.’

 Written by Calum Piper

The whole story of Christmas is about a baby being born. I know that God rejoices in the fact that Jesus was born, but I think God probably rejoices every time a child is born. From the birthing suite of Stepping Hill, to every ward and home and place where a child is born, I believe God rejoices at the birth of a child.

He rejoices because he's a life giver. He delights in life and that new life being born. But there's something really specific about the birth of Jesus which is why we celebrate.

The line from the carol that we're thinking of is ‘arise to adore the mystery of love, with which hosts of angels chanted from above’.

I know that when my Son Samuel was born in Wythenshawe and when my daughter Phoebe was born in Stepping Hill, it was a really delightful and joyful occasion for us. But I didn't catch any angels glorifying God in the skies and whispering to us humans, don't be afraid.

The fact that we see angels appear in the story of Christmas, the fact that they are singing praises unto God, tells us that there is something remarkable going , and that this isn't just any ordinary birth, but there is something to do with heaven involved.

It isn't just God rejoicing at the gift of new life, but all of heaven joining in with the celebration of Jesus being born, which can only mean that the birth of this child is important, that it means something, that Jesus’ birth is going to change the world.

That's where the hymn writer offers us an invitation to join in with the host of heaven, proclaiming the glory of God, because this birth, this child is going to change the world. As we go into Christmas, I don't know where you're up to in your preparation, I invite you join in with the song of the angels as we proclaim the mystery of God's love here on earth.